Danny and Skip believe it’s a real phenomenon, but we all question why
no photographer has ever captured it. I think it began with an Eric Rohmer
film. Some people are more prone to seeing the green ray than others.
Sunsets continue to be spectacular viewed from our balcony. It’s 8:20 and
the light show continues.
(late breaking news now I am connected: Wikipedia goes into scientific
This was our phone question of the night to sister Janet. Her answer:
What is the green flash?
I also called Diane, our personal reunion coordinator and card carrying member
of the Dissidents of the class of ’59. I can’t wait to see her. In a week we will
be cavorting at Marge’s Sports Bar and Grill, listening to Tom Saunders, our
neighbor growing up, and his Surfside Band.
Note to anyone from group who is reading:
When we saw Tom 7 years ago (he caught us snooping around his house kind of
like the Platte Lake neighbor), he invited us to Marge’s and advised: what you’re
wearing now-shorts and t shirts-you are overdressed. So let that be your
wardrobe guide.
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