How we spent our last day up north
+I luxuriated in the Amitra Spa on the grounds of the Homestead, an idyllic place hiding in the woods at
the top of a long hill. A pool with above-water jets, a to-die-for view, lovely people working there who
enjoy talking about their personal history in this area. And I got 10% off the manicure because I showed
up yesterday to find the manager had scheduled me for a week from today in error. I poured a little
glass of wine and soon found 7 of the ubiquitous little bugs swimming in red.
EVERYTHING in the past week is a top travel tip and I am stone cold sober.
+Danny got a call from Carol. The death of their dear friend Sandy was not unexpected, but no less
tragic for the advance warning. Good thing he is returning tomorrow. I met Sandy. She was a joyful
person who fought hard to extend her life these past years. She loved going to movies so we should
all see a movie this week in Sandy’s honor. She owns the “Yarning for You” shop in Carlsbad, so we
could start knitting up a storm.
+We packed a picnic and drove to Peterson Park outside Northport. It feels like the edge of the Lake
Michigan world, kind of like going to the Neah Bay NW corner of Washington state. The rocky beach is
a great place to find Petosky stones, relics from an ancient coral bed. We found clam shell fossils and
I intend to bring one home.
Our picnic was hastily packed. We had bread and meats and cheese, not much else, leaving behind
lettuce, tomatoes, condiments, water…
+We looked for treats to send Carol in Leland.
+We again crossed the 45th parallel, a thrill every time. Not as thrilling as the Equator, “la mitad del
Mundo”, but I’d rather be in northern Michigan.
+Skip and Danny went canoeing; later Skip and Toni went kayaking. We got ourselves very wet.
Skip is currently lying down, nursing a hurt arm, acquired while putting the canoe away.
All this and our last day is not yet over. I am in the Admin building, must get back to do more stuff.
The sunset is brilliant orange and now lights up the entire horizon. We’ve had 6 perfect days.
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